


The cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is an arthropod belonging to the class Insecta, order Blattodea, and phylum Arthropoda. It is a nocturnal omnivore found in warm, humid environments.

General Features of Cockroach

  • Scientific Name: Periplaneta americana
  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Arthropoda
  • Class: Insecta
  • Order: Blattodea
  • Size: 3-7.5 cm long
  • Color: Reddish-brown
  • Habitat: Dark, moist places such as kitchens, basements, drains
  • Diet: Omnivorous, feeds on food waste, paper, clothes
  • Reproduction: Sexual reproduction with internal fertilization

External Morphology of Cockroach

Segments of Cockroach

The body is bilaterally symmetrical, segmented, and dorsoventrally flattened. It is divided into three regions:

  1. Head (Small, triangular)
  2. Thorax (Three segments)
  3. Abdomen (Ten segments)

1. Head of Cockroach

  • Formed by the fusion of six segments.
  • Triangular in shape, bent downward at an angle (hypognathous).
  • Bears:
  • A pair of compound eyes (Faceted, enables mosaic vision).
  • Antennae (Long, filamentous, sensory).
  • Mouthparts (Chewing and biting type).

2. Mouthparts of Cockroach

Cockroach has “chewing and biting” type mouthparts consisting of:

  1. Labrum (Upper lip, immovable, protects mouth)
  2. Mandibles (Two strong, chitinous structures for cutting & chewing)
  3. Maxillae (Pair of appendages, holds food, taste receptors)
  4. Labium (Lower lip, assists in manipulation of food)
  5. Hypopharynx (Tongue-like structure, assists in swallowing)

3. Thorax of Cockroach

Divided into three segments:

  1. Prothorax (First pair of legs attached)
  2. Mesothorax (Second pair of legs + First pair of wings)
  3. Metathorax (Third pair of legs + Second pair of wings)
  • Legs: 3 pairs, jointed, adapted for running (cursorial locomotion).
  • Wings:
  • Forewings (Tegmina): Hard, protective, leathery.
  • Hindwings: Soft, membranous, used for flight.

4. Abdomen of Cockroach

  • Composed of 10 segments.
  • In males, the 9th and 10th segments bear anal styles (absent in females).
  • Both sexes have cerci, sensory appendages on the 10th segment.

Internal Anatomy of Cockroach

1. Digestive System of Cockroach

The digestive system is divided into three parts:

(i) Foregut (Stomodaeum)

  • Mouth → Pharynx → Esophagus (carries food to crop).
  • Crop: Large sac-like structure, stores food.
  • Gizzard (Proventriculus):
  • Thick-walled, chitinous.
  • Grinds food using chitinous teeth.

(ii) Midgut (Mesenteron)

  • Hepatic caecae (Gastric caecae): Secrete digestive enzymes.
  • Midgut: Digestion and absorption of nutrients occur here.

(iii) Hindgut (Proctodaeum)

  • Ileum → Colon → Rectum → Anus
  • Water is reabsorbed in the rectum, and waste is eliminated.

2. Respiratory System of Cockroach

  • Direct respiration via a tracheal system (no blood involvement).
  • Spiracles (10 pairs, openings on the body).
  • TracheaTracheolesTissues (O2 enters, CO2 exits).
  • Air sacs: Store air for flight.

3. Circulatory System of Cockroach

  • Open circulatory system (no blood vessels, hemolymph directly bathes organs).
  • Heart:
  • 13-chambered, tubular heart.
  • Located dorsally.
  • Blood flows posterior to anterior.
  • Hemolymph: Colorless, contains plasma + hemocytes (no hemoglobin).

4. Excretory System of Cockroach

  • Malpighian tubules: Main excretory organs, remove nitrogenous waste (uric acid → uricotelic).
  • Fat bodies, nephrocytes, urecose glands also aid excretion.

5. Nervous System of Cockroach

  • Ganglionated nervous system.
  • Brain: Small, controls vision & antennae.
  • Ventral nerve cord: Chain of segmental ganglia.
  • Suboesophageal ganglion: Controls mouthparts.

6. Sensory Structures

  • Antennae (touch & smell).
  • Compound eyes (mosaic vision, nocturnal adaptation).
  • Cerci (detect air movements & danger).

Reproductive System of Cockroach

Male Reproductive System

  • Testes: Located in 4th-6th abdominal segments.
  • Vasa deferentia: Carries sperm.
  • Seminal vesicle: Stores sperm.
  • Male gonopore: Ejaculation.
  • Phallic gland: Secretes spermatophore (sperm packet).

Female Reproductive System

  • Ovaries: Located in 2nd-6th abdominal segments.
  • Oviducts: Carry eggs to genital chamber.
  • Spermatheca: Stores sperm.
  • Ootheca: Egg case (16 eggs inside).

Comparison Table: Male vs Female Cockroach

FeatureMale CockroachFemale Cockroach
Anal StylesPresentAbsent
Spermatophore FormationPresentAbsent
Ootheca FormationAbsentPresent

Fertilization & Development

  • Internal fertilization.
  • Oviparous reproduction (egg-laying).
  • Ootheca (egg case) deposited in humid places.
  • Nymphs emerge after 6-8 weeks and undergo gradual metamorphosis before becoming adults.

This note comprehensively covers the morphology, anatomy, and reproduction of cockroaches in detailed yet exam-oriented form.


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